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Study and examination regulations (Textile Studies)

Study and examination regulations

2021_11 Textile Studies Course Plan Bachelor Master


Overview of Study and Examination Regulations for Bildung, Erziehung und Unterricht / basic education

(Bachelor Lehramt Grund-, Haupt- und Realschule)


Overview of Study and Examination Regulations for the Master’s Program
(Lehramt Haupt- und Realschule)

Overview of Study and Examination Regulations for the Master’s Program
(Lehramt Grundschule)

Overview of Study and Examination Regulations for the Master’s Program
(Haupt- und Realschulen (HR) Textile Studies – extension subject (EWF))

Overview of Study and Examination Regulations for the Master’s Program
(Lehramt an Grundschulen (GS) Textile Studies – extension subject (EWF))